Rhysode, Ganner (1)
Basic info

First appearance: The New Jedi Order : Dark Tide 1 : Onslaught
Species/Type: Human
Relations: New Jedi Order


Ganner Rhysode was a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order. He harbored a deep wish to be a hero, and was consequently brash, self-confident, and flamboyant. A supporter of the Jedi Kyp Durron's faction of the Order, he supported aggressive action against the Yuuzhan Vong species when they invaded the galaxy. Early in the invasion, he worked with the Jedi Corran Horn, whom he disliked, and on their mission to the planet Garqi received a prominent facial wound. Rhysode blamed his overconfidence for his injury, and left the scar of the wound as a reminder to be more humble. With his changed attitude, Rhysode continued battling on the front lines of the Yuuzhan Vong War, serving as the decoy leader of the ill-fated Myrkr strike team in 27 ABY. One year later, Rhysode tracked down the Jedi Jacen Solo, who had gone missing on the mission to Myrkr and was feared dead. He was seized by Solo's Yuuzhan Vong captors and taken back to the planet Coruscant for a sacrifice. Instead, he finally came to peace with his desire to be a hero, channeling his showmanlike instincts into a self-sacrificing delaying action, becoming one with the Force while holding off hundreds of Yuuzhan Vong Warriors himself at the entrance to the Well of the World Brain while Solo sabotaged the World Brain and escaped back to the New Republic. According to a vision experienced by Solo's tutor Vergere, Rhysode's last stand led him to become a legend among the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste as well as the Shamed Ones and their Jeedai heresy, in which he became an epic, invincible figure known as the Ganner. In 44 ABY, Grand Master Luke Skywalker saw Rhysode's spirit in the Lake of Apparitions in the realm of the Force beyond shadows.

Complete list

Ganner Rhysode
SWM Masters of the Force
Ganner Rhysode
New Jedi Order

Last updated: 30.01.2021 18:24:17